The following video shows how to prepare Bitter Melon and why to eat this.
For more information about the qualities of food to eat in the different seasons.
Ellen Goldsmith Recipe book. Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine
The following video shows how to prepare Bitter Melon and why to eat this.
For more information about the qualities of food to eat in the different seasons.
Ellen Goldsmith Recipe book. Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine
Damaging non-Thermal Low-level Radiation: Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) also called Non-ionizing Radiation (NIR), Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) generated by our Beloved Wireless technology.
Dr. K. Elizabeth Storjohann BSc, ND, RTCMP
People have the Right to know what they are exposed to! Ubiquitously increased amounts of radiofrequency radiation are allowed without our informed consent to flood our public spaces, schools, hospitals, restaurants and shops. Parents need to discuss with regulators how to proceed safely around this technology. In your own home you have a choice. You may want to surround yourself with a multitude of wireless devices such as smart TV, Wi-Fi, cell phones, laptops, iPads, smart fridges that talk to your grocer, baby monitors or to just turn off all wireless devices (use ethernet) and connect to an analog phone, the one that is connected by wire (not cordless). There are also outside sources of wireless radiation like cell phone towers that are placed near or on school property. We have irrefutable evidence of harm to those who are near these sources for extended periods. These antennas should not be near or on top of any homes/apartments, work environments, hospitals and especially schools. The point is that in our own space we have a choice. We don’t have the choice to turn off the radiation in or near schools, restaurants, shops, and hospitals where we may have to spend long hours on a daily basis. These public/work/education areas provide involuntary exposures that we have NO say in yet. Thousands of peer reviewed studies document that radiofrequency radiation causes chronic health problems. Remember the days when smokers could smoke anywhere anytime. The studies were there as well but it took decades to change public policy regarding smoking because of the counter mega dollars of lobbying. We must protect the vulnerable such as pregnant woman and children. We can all adopt this technology safely and demand policies to be created to make the spaces in public, residential, work and educational areas SAFE.
Read on if you are one of those who want to know more about the health effects and how to protect yourself. Unplug and turn OFF: Unplug your Wi-fi and cordless phones and turn off your cell phones. If you do this 1 thing you can protect your family from the harmful radiation effects. Before you go to sleep unplug and turn off these devices. Your body needs to unplug from these harmful radiofrequency radiation waves so that it has a chance to recover from the exposure during the day. Best to be aware and stay far away from these sources…. oh wait a minute – you can’t see them (*6- meters are available to make the invisible visible) …. right so this is the problem …. You don’t see it so it can’t be there…. WRONG…. it’s there and it’s working away at your cells to disrupt the voltage gate calcium channels to let the calcium ions into the cell in larger amounts thus creating inflammation and other pathophysiological effects (in other words–dis-ease). The closer you are to the source the stronger the effect on the cells in your body. We are electrical. The type of radiation I’m talking about is similar to a microwave vibrating the molecules in your coffee to heat it but far less powerful with far greater stealth like damaging effects. You can’t see the waves but the coffee comes out hot. It’s the non-thermal part that we need to be concerned about and thus we need to update our outdated Canadian Safety Panel 6 on radiofrequency radiation that views radiation as a toxin only when heating is involved. (REFERENCE: Martin L. Paul, Microwave electromagnetic fields act by activating voltage-gated calcium channels; why the current international safety standards do not predict biological hazard. Rev Environ Health 2015; 30(2): 99–116). These wireless technology devices that have escalated in use are creating chronic conditions in otherwise healthy individuals. Chronic conditions include fatigue, chronic pain, muscle tingling and twitching, joint/tendon/muscle pain, ringing in the ears and ear aches, immune system suppression, headaches/migraines, increased sweating, brain fog, dizziness, intermittent sensation of “internal burning” and anxiety are just some of the reported symptoms. (REFERENCE: Yael Stein MD, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Electromagnetic Radiation Research Clinic, Hebrew University – Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.)
Ubiquitous radiofrequency radiation is NOT ok. Parents and children can protect themselves by becoming aware of the SAFE way to use this technology. Canadian standards are antiquated and thousands of studies worldwide are showing the increase in brain tumors, lymphoma, diabetes, heart disease and the adverse effects on sperm quality, motility and pathology. Reported biological effects from radiofrequency radiation at low-intensity exposure (cell-tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop and Smart Meter RF intensities) are summarized in the Bioinitiative 2012 (updated in 2014 and 2017) by a team of researchers and doctors (REFERENCE: Conclusions from the Bioinitiative Report 2012). The veritable flood of new studies, included in this review, are irrefutable and document the detrimental effect on us and on our children. The conclusions are clear and summarized and I encourage everyone to read through this document to understand fully the gravity of this hidden danger. There is an urgent need to revise the standards of exposure limits. The upper limits of these allowable levels should be 1000 times less to come closer to minimize the harm. North America is behind Europe that has limits 100 times lower allowable exposure levels, cell phones are illegal to sell to a child under 14 years of age, Wi-Fi is NOT permitted in primary grade schools’ and cell towers are located far away from homes and schools. This has to be understood by every single parent. The technology can stay but we have to make it safe for our children.
Frank Clegg (Former President of Microsoft Canada) is co-founder of Canadians 4 Safe technology. He is an Ontario resident and has been actively educating our politicians, schools and other stake holders on the safe way to use this technology.
5G is the next technology and would be streamed 24 hours 7 days a week. This can be buried in the ground to be safe using fibre optic cables or connected to a wireless infrastructure that includes thousands of satellites in our skies. There are no studies to date on the long-term effects of 5G technology with small cells (repeater antennas) every 200 metres near homes and connecting to the thousands of satellites. There is a global protest March 20, 2021 for a moratorium on the roll out of 5G. It seems that we are racing forward, like lemmings to the edge of the cliff, to make better technology but only at the expense of our health. Let’s make the changes for the future generation today. Let’s not wait 20 years as in the cigarette industry for the ever-increasing tumors and chronic disease that will be following in this technology ‘s wake.
Here are links to learn about the wireless industry and health effects.
1. Canadians4SafeTechnology:
2. Frank Clegg Video:
3. Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST),
4. Women's College Hospital - Electromagnetic Field Hypersensitivity (EHS) Electro hypersensitivity is not a disease but these individuals are the canaries in our coal mine. There is a certain number of individuals roughly 30% of the population have mild symptoms and 3 % have strong reactions to the radiation.
5. Environmental Health Trust is a non-profit organization in the United States of America educating and funding research about wireless technology.
6. Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter (
7. EHT-Reduce-Cell-Phone-and-Wireless-Exposure-2-Page-PDF-1.pdf ( is a printable sheet that visually depicts how to reduce the cell phone and wireless exposure
8. Press Release 2020 NIR Consensus Statement – Phire Medical (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment).
I am sharing part of the statement below.
“This is an important statement that should be read by all concerned with public health. Those responsible for exposing children to non-ionizing radiation, especially in schools, should take immediate action to reduce exposure to non-ionizing radiation of the children entrusted to their charge. There is sufficient evidence to now classify radiofrequency radiation as a human carcinogen. Action must be taken now to reduce human exposure to non-ionizing radiation to as low as can be achievable, including a moratorium on the introduction of 5G.” Anthony B. Miller, MD. Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (UofT).
As a naturopathic doctor, clearly there are ways to mitigate the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the body. The best is to remove the toxin that is causing the effects and second is to support the immune system to be resilient in the face of the toxin. Whole traditional foods including the meats and fats from animal and cod liver oil are encouraged with vegetables and fruits that contain a myriad of phytochemicals that are used by the body to lower the inflammation caused by the radiofrequency radiation. Use quality high nutrient food sources from organic, free range, resilient plants versus foods that are not so clean, undernourished and limp. Food sensitivities, Supplements, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, Homeopathy, Matrix repatterning, chiropractic, hydrotherapy and therapeutic massage are modalities that strengthen the vital force to combat the negative effects of radiation exposure. Sleep quality, biome support (gut health), emotional/spiritual practices, clean air and water, movement and human connections all play strong rolls on the immune system.
Radiofrequency radiation is the fastest growing environmental pollutant on this planet. Learn how to make your home a sanctuary to help your body repair and become stronger. Speak up about the radiation that you are passively asked to accept in public spaces and institutions. Many European countries as well as Russia and China are 100 times stricter in allowable levels. Support your local restaurants, shops, and public spaces that create the safer environment with no Wi-Fi, cell phone and other wireless technologies. Call and write to your representatives in your community and demand for the safe use of this technology and demand that the standards be updated to reflect the most recent studies.
Disclosure: I am a Naturopathic Doctor for the last 25 years. I am deeply concerned for the health of people, children, animals, insects and the environment. Safe use of this technology is within our reach and 5G needs to be further studied before we expose ourselves to the biggest experiment on human kind.
There are many ways to keep yourself and family healthy. The following is a way to keep your immune system balanced through all of the viruses in and around us. If you suspect that you have Covid-19 then please call your nearest public health and follow their instructions.
This is meant for the generally healthy individuals (without additional chronic health concerns such as diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, etc.) who want to keep a healthy response (not overreact or underreact) to the viruses circulating amidst us.
As always, diet is extremely important. Keeping with the seasonal healthy eating habits it is best to eat food that is nourishing and supportive with nutrients and minerals that readily absorb and warm the body. These include soups that are made with bone and red meat that creates warmth in the body to throw off the dampness that comes with spring. I don’t mean to be eating only meat of course. By adding root vegetables to your stews and beans like mung and adzuki you are supporting your kidneys to keep you warm on a very deep level. Adding ginger slices (I usually add a thumb size to a pot of soup) and cinnamon sticks (1 stick – at least 4 inches) adds a particular warming effect that is beneficial for the winter and spring months. Until the weather is warm and balmy we can expect damp-like symptoms in the body if we are not mindful of our diet. Too many raw foods (salads) without the warming foods such as the meat stews and bone broths will keep the dampness in our body and then diseases like irritable bowel, yeast infections, fungal infections, diarrhea, skin rashes, arthritis can pursue in the body.
Any food that you typically don’t feel good after ingesting is to be eliminated — it’s a sign that you are not digesting this well and we want good fuel for the body to feel like it can maintain health. Foods that are highly processed also are important to eliminate for obvious reasons — I think we all know.
Dairy in particular (cow, goat, sheep milk products, cheese, yogurt, butter etc.) are foods that make more dampness in the body. Eliminating these foods at this time can help to remove the cold dampness and the mucous film that develops on all the mucous membranes including the respiratory tract where the Covid-19 virus likes to create problems. Replace with the oat, rice, cashew, almond, coconut milks that are available.
Some of the supplements that are spoken about are Vitamin C and Zinc. Both are a good idea however too much Vitamin C can lead to diarrhea and cause you to have more immune problems. And Zinc on an empty stomach will often cause nausea or upset stomach (it has to be taken in the middle of eating a meal). The lemon juice in water first thing in the morning if you have no intolerance to lemons is a good way to intake Vitamin C. Adding nuts and seeds on your oatmeal in the morning is a good idea for natural sources of Zinc.
Vitamin D levels are often very low at this time in the season because of the low angle of the sun in the sky. If the shadow your body casts is longer than your height than you are not converting the D in your skin. It isn’t until the end of May that we get the high sun and shorter shadow. Even then the experts say to take your 2-3000 IU of Vitamin D a day (that’s healthy people of course, and not individuals with kidney disease).
There are herbs to look to for protection, such as elderberry (you can just buy at market, freeze for the following year when we battle the influenza again) or mushrooms with beta glucans content. Usually we don’t need very much, many supplement companies have some version of C, Zinc, Astragalus, codonopsis and mushrooms that could be supplemented at this time of year.
Specifically NAC or N Acetyl Cysteine is mucolytic which helps to break up the mucous in the lungs. This is also important to recharge the glutathione levels in the body to help the body fight viruses (see your naturopathic Doctor for dosages).
So you see, a combination of diet and lifestyle, including restful sleep each and every night, is vital first and foremost and then use the herbs and some vitamin D, C and Zinc if needed. Stress also can pull the rug out from your immune system. It is important to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle that centres us and allows us to enjoy the simple things and friends and family around us.
It is so exciting going into the winter season and planting garlic before the heavy snow arrives.
Someone very excited about her garden whispered to me the method of getting great garlic by middle of next summer.
Prepare the soil. Mix your decayed compost etc.. Have your organic garlic head broken apart to the individual cloves (seeds)
Plant 1 clove per spot with the pointy side up 2 inch below the surface and water. Next year in early july pick the scapes (fresh Green shoots) and eat in saute or puree into a dip.
After the rest of the leaves dry out (about 2-3 weeks) the garlic can be harvested.
Dry in a well vented area and can be used up over time to make tasty healthy meals.
Ground flaxseed remove excess harmful estrogens from our body. It does so by binding them and removing them through our digestive tract so that it is not recycled through the liver again to deal with via portal vein. This prevents estrogen overload and the stimulation of this at the estrogen receptors. A great way to get more flaxseed into your diet is through baking. Here’s a great recipe to try at home.
½ cup of coconut oil / or sunflower oil
¾ cup of honey
3 eggs
Ground flaxseed
½ teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ cup vanilla flavoured coconut yogurt
¼ teaspoon salt
3 cups of spelt light flour
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
½ cup of hand crushed walnuts
½ cup of raisins
1 cup of oatmeal
In a large bowl, whisk the coconut oil and honey until smooth. Add the eggs and whisk. Once well-mixed, add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Bake at 170 degrees C/ 350 F for 14 minutes or until golden-brown and fully risen.
Do you ever wonder what type of exercise best suits your body? Or why one person does well with a diet and someone does well with another? There are so many conflicting messages in media and books on what to eat, how to exercise, how to supplement, and what to take for hormones and nerves?
Well scientists also want to understand this and have made great strides in the last 10 years.
I now have a good way to start to understand how your body works and what it needs to function optimally. With your 23andme raw data results for “health” I upload to a platform that has been developed by a Naturopathic Doctor.
First you need to understand that you are born with these genes and what you do day-to-day can turn them “on” or “off” with diet, lifestyle and supplements. 99% of the time health and disease is controlled by what we eat and what we do in life and only very small percentages are the diseases in the world we have no control over. So if your father died of heart disease then there is a way to keep the gene that caused high blood pressure or cholesterol or poor stress response from turning on. The report also analysis whether you make enough, absorb enough and dump enough ( too slow or too fast) certain stress hormones. The ability to make healthy hormones and whether you are able to remove unhealthy levels of hormones. Do you have genes that prefer slow exercise like yoga or are you a sprinter or long distance. How does your muscle get the oxygen – slow or fast? Do you require lots of “B” vitamins or not at all. Some are meant to be vegetarian and others are best with protein and high fat and so on. The world of understanding genes is exploding and we are able to get more of an idea what is best for our bodies.
If you would like to have your genes analyzed at Woodside Clinic the best is to order the 23andme “Health and Ancestry” and follow the directions. Once you have the raw data you can call me to help you with the analysis.
Note: 23andme has a sale 2 times a year and some special occasions. For the month of November it is half off this year.
BEMER is an acronym for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation. I am excited to announce that the clinic has introduced a new physical vascular therapy that is the leader in bio energy medicine.
BEMER is designed to improve circulation, thereby supporting the body’s natural self-regulating processes. Blood is the body’s universal means of transportation. Oxygen, nutrients, chemical messengers (e.g., hormones) and immune cells are all transported through our blood. When our body’s cells, tissues and organs are adequately nourished and metabolic waste products are removed, our bodies maintain a healthy balance and function properly. The optimal regulation of circulation is a prerequisite for ensuring good levels of health and fitness.
The uniqueness of BEMER lies in its signal and configuration. The signal leads to scientifically grounded stimulation of the smallest vessels (microcirculation) supporting the circulatory system as a whole. No other biophysical modality in the world targets the microcirculation in the way that BEMER does.
Yes. Over the past 20 years, BEMER has been scientifically studied from several perspectives and results published. To learn more follow the link to
Circulation is the transport mechanism that involves the whole body, from the largest vessels to the smallest. The capillary level is where it is crucial to maintain the exchange of nutrients and oxygen and the removal of metabolic waste products such as carbon dioxide, which accumulates because of normal cellular function. There is a huge network of extremely small blood vessels in our body, some of which are four times thinner than a strand of hair. These networks of small vessels surround all organs and tissues in the body and are vital to cellular function.
BEMER is not a disease-specific application. Its effect on the circulation and the resulting improvements to the supply and removal of substances to/from the body’s cells allows these cells to produce and supply increasing amounts of energy, and therefore carry out their tasks (production) in a more functional manner.
The immune system is vital in our world and keeping the extracellular tissue free of toxins is vital. The homeopathic drops or diet recommendations, the diet and exercise all work together to improve the function of the immune system. It seems that BEMER is yet another way I can best support my patients health. Ask us about the BEMER when you come next time and try it out.
We are constantly being washed with hundreds of chemicals in our environment. Many of us are not even aware of how many toxins we come into contact with on a daily basis. By making several small changes into day-to-day life can reduce you and your family’s exposure to common environmental toxins. Here are some simple strategies to introduce into your daily routine.
Eat fresh or frozen foods (not processed or packaged foods).
Do not microwave foods/beverages in plastic containers or with plastic cling-wraps. Consider using a toaster-oven in replace of a microwave.
Hand wash plastic containers instead of in the dishwasher.
Use glass, porcelain or stainless steel containers.
Avoid canned foods whenever possible, especially those that are acidic, salty or fatty (purchase in glass or cartons). Be aware, they should be both BPA-free AND BP free.
Use a filter for tap water and carry a stainless steel water bottle. This also reduces your carbon footprint!
Say no to thermal paper receipts (i.e. receipts from the grocery store).
Avoid plastics with recycling #7 are other plastics that don’t fit into the other categories of plastic. It includes polycarbonate which contain the toxic bisphenol-A (BPA). These plastics should be avoided due to the BPA that is considered a hormone disruptor and has been linked to infertility, hyperactivity, reproductive problems and other health issues. It is often found in 3 and 5 gallon water bottles.
Diligently read labels. Most names you don’t recognize are also unrecognizable to your stomach.
Eat organic food whenever possible. The following list contains foods that are okay to eat without being organic (clean fifteen) and those that aren’t (dirty dozen), which contain toxic residue from pesticides.
(Visit for more information)
We can make a significant impact on our health and environment by choosing where and how we shop. From our skin and cleaning products, groceries, and packaging are all part of conscious consumption.
Skin products: Consider purchasing organic, local or homemade products that contain substitutes such as shea butter and organic sunflower seed oil. Or you can make your own!
Local Farms: For years I have ordered my box of veggies and fruit along with other weekly regular deliveries such as eggs, milk, and bread from Pfennings organic and they deliver straight to your home. It’s a great choice because it forces me to make more veggie-based meals and eat more veggies, which encourages eating at home with simple wholesome ingredients.
Consider choosing local when purchasing your foods. Look out for local markets and farms, or grow your own produce in your yard. Here are a couple of our favourite local farms in the Southern Ontario region.
Pfenning's Organic Farm is a farmer, packer and distributor of organic produce. To us, organic isn't just a certification, it's a way of being. Visit their website for more information
Norton Farms is a family owned local farmer with great tasting grass-fed beef, pastured pork and free range chicken and other meat also eggs, honey and cheese. They are south of Brantford, east of Waterford, north of Hagersville in Hartford.
Avoid products with parabens on the label. Products that contain antimicrobial ingredients and preservatives such as methyl paraben (MP) are potentially estrogenic/ anti-androgenic (too much estrogen in the body).
Stay away from synthetic fragrances that are often found in personal care/hygiene products. Phthalates are the synthetic fragrance in products to make it smell good but is a significant source of exposure. Phthalates was in toys (now banned), vinyl floor and wall coverings, detergents, lubricating oils, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, personal care products.
Data from the Swedish Environmental Longitudinal mother and child, asthma, allergy and the infant development and environment study (TIDES) found prenatal exposure to specific phthalates is significantly associated with language delay in children.
If you want to learn more, purchase the Book “Clean, Green and Lean” by Dr Walter Crinnion. This is a great book to take charge against the toxins and protect you and your family.
Dr. Walter Crinnion, a naturopathic doctor and environmental medicine physician, shows you how to clean up your diet and clear out your body and home to eliminate unwanted pounds and toxins from your life. You'll be able to get rid of nagging health problems such as allergies and fatigue and enjoy greater energy and a greener planet.
Cell phones, Cell phone towers, cordless phones, blue tooth, smart meters, WIFI all impact our health and accelerate our aging process. Dr Magda Havas PhD and Rob Metzinger are 2 reliable sources in understanding wireless radiation.
Given our busy lives and knowing how insidiously wireless technology creeps into our lives – I have been found guilty. Last 2 years have been incredibly busy and the technology allowed me to stay abreast the needs of the clinic and my family. Though it is very convenient it has become norm and contrary to my comfort level has become too much. Refreshing my knowledge by visiting websites ‘safe living technologies’ and Dr. Magda Havas and buying a handheld detector to measure what has actually been surrounding me day in and day out gave me a better understanding how to keep me and my family safer. So for 1 month till school starts I thought we could try to really limit our exposure to Wireless Technology. See below how to minimize the waves.
1. Disconnect by Devra Davis
2. Public Health SOS by Camilla Rees and Magda Havas.
Safe Living Technologies run by Rob Metzinger has devices that measure frequencies in your work and home environment. Go to his website and there you can find good references and Radiofrequency detectors to purchase. His website has interesting video links.
Dr. Magda Havas PhD has been involved with research and bringing awareness about wireless technologies that have insidiously infiltrated our lives more than ever. Her website contains many references, research articles and audio clips that are very interesting to read and listen to. It is one thing to advance in our technology but not at the expense of our health.
Check out the “home Environment” category on her website. Electromagnetic Hygiene in 12 Easy Steps: How to create a cleaner electromagnetic environment at home and at work. These are really things that you need to know about.
5G Cell phone Towers (mm waves): There is the presumption that if the new technology of 5G Cell towers only penetrates to the depth of a very thin layer of skin in vitro (which is not part of a greater whole such as the human body) then it would only effect to the depth of human skin. This presumption is giving a “safety” sign off for these towers to be installed in rural areas to give stronger signals for connection. However the skin is connected with the deeper structures of the “whole” body and that is exactly what interacts with all the deeper tissues of the body. Thus the EMF affecting the skin is essentially affecting all the deeper structures and systems of the body. This is why we need to study this in greater detail before we install these towers. We don’t want to repeat history by putting the wagon in front of the tractor and cause harm that cannot be reversed.
Children and Electromagnetic Radiation: The boney part of the skull of children are less dense and overall the heads are smaller. When they put a cell phone near their head the radiation reaches deeper into the skull. The brains of the children are also growing faster and if DNA damage is made early it could set up problems 10 years down the road for the children.
The Take Home message: Learn how technology is affecting your health and take measures to minimize its impact on you.
Three things you can do to immediately reduce the level of radiofrequency exposure.
Turn off WIFI at night
Unplug all wireless technology (i.e. cordless phone) at night and day if possible
Turn off your cell phone at night.. Airplane mode still has low to moderate exposure.
And yes there is a fourth – don’t put the phone next to your body or brain for any amount of time. Minimize the amount of time in these wireless technology spaces and limit the time on cell phones.
Ok 1 more….use computers and phones that are hardwired whenever you can.
From a Naturopathic perspective. Wireless technology on a man-made global-level is here to stay and will affect our Health. Become educated and know what you are getting into. Choose wisely and speak up if there are invisible impositions on your living and working space. If there have been some reckless wireless usage that creates DNA damage – it is very important to eat healthy and use fruits and/or vegetables as part of your meals to gain back your health. The phytonutrients in these foods help to restore damaged cells and prevent the run away replication of damaged DNA. Kind of like the Mediterranean diet.
We live in a beautiful world that has all kinds of toxic / microbial presences. Just as it was a hundred years ago with toxic waste in the industrial revolution now there are other toxic / microbial issues just different – and history repeats itself with different players. There are microbials that naturally exist to balance the eco-system and then there are the man made toxins that are scattered across our planet that end up in our bodies like microscopic plastic, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and wireless non-ionizing radiation. Ticks also carry Lyme - Borrelia Burgdorferi in their salivary gland that gets regurgitated into our blood stream after they have feasted on our blood. Pick your Toxin. Today we have to detoxify daily from all the hundreds of chemicals we are constantly ingesting, breathing, coming in contact with. Its totally possible to still live a strong healthy life- just need to keep our eyeballs out of the sand.
We are the society of widgets of wireless gadgets and cell phones for pleasure and work. This is now the norm. Commercials and movies stream wireless everything as convenient, efficient, easy and fun. Its addictive. Funny isn’t this what happened with cigarettes a while back.
So what are we to do about it this time around?
Remove ticks carefully without pinching behind the head. There are tweezers available that are set to not allow you to pinch off the head at the neck while pulling the body.
The Lyme spirochete: lives in marine sediments, deep within soil, found in black legged ticks, brown dog ticks, lone star ticks (not predominate in our area), arthropods such as termites, biting flies, mosquitoes, fleas and in vertebrates (such as deer) as obligate parasites. In the north east the largest reservoir is the white footed mouse.
They have been around for 100 million years. Reducing deer numbers, or mouse numbers won’t kill them. Pesticides will only shunt them for couple years and then they will return in bigger numbers.
In the spring with the heavy rains and cold climate there seemed to be a prevalence of ticks. Now the summer dry hot weather the ticks are harder to find.
Song birds are used as a vector to move ticks from one part of the country or continent to another- they hop on and off like a global travellers.
So what’s so bad about these ticks? Well they might actually be a big benefit to us. Lyme= Borrelia burgdorferi and other bacteria are required to be in the digestive systems of termites to help digest the wood in the forest that otherwise would not be broken down, termites would starve and we would be up to our eyeballs in fallen wood.
But its no joke if you become ill with the bacteria and perhaps coinfections that accompany them.
Recently I had the opportunity to listen to Dr Armin Schwarzbach MD PhD and his expertise on Lyme. The problem of Lyme disease exists worldwide. So why is it more predominant in our area last few years? Global warming? Possibly the electromagnetic waves are disrupting the natural rhythms of the planet or the many chemicals in and around us. At any rate we need to keep checking for ticks on us after being outside and on our pets that may bring them into our living area.
Lyme adapts to the environment and has the ability to change in the host. It’s the great imitator. The symptoms often imitate other diseases- such as arthritis or neuritis, or other pain syndromes.
It is interesting that researchers are using the Wolbachia bacteria in the mosquito to crowd out the dengue and borrelia bacteria but unfortunately some researchers are finding the west Nile virus increasing- and so caution will need to be used before using the Wolbachia as part of a vector -borne disease control program. There is no easy fix – we are changing the environment quickly and we are getting in the way of nature taking care of the earth. We need to rethink and not change it by another scientific experiment.
A nurse practitioner Sue Faber RN BScN Co Founder of Lyme Hope is trying to bring more awareness to Vertical/Transplacental Transmission of Borrelia Burgdorferi – Lyme disease. As of January 25, 2017 it is not recognized that transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi is a possibility. There is literature to support this but this is not recognized in Ontario.
Lymes and coinfections (other opportunistic bacteria) can be devastating. The patients ability to remain well depends on many factors within and around themselves. The bacteria such as the Lyme -Borrelia burgdorferi reside in the cells and can turn on your predisposing genetics or epigenetics that lead to chronic illness. Co-morbidities such as diabetes and heart disease, poor habits such as smoking and fast food diet, dental issues, traumas or accidents, allergies/intolerances all contribute to poor outcomes for patients with Lyme. Your environment also plays into the prognosis of the disease such as geopathic stress, exposure to pesticides, occupational hazards, contaminated water, EMF (electro magnetic frequencies), environmental toxins and heavy metals.
Although some of these are prevalent and beyond our control we can choose to make changes that are in our control and take back the health of our immune system. Detoxify to improve immune function is really the key. If we do not choose to do this then we move toward chronic disease which when paired with the Lyme infection will make us feel “Really unwell.”
Detoxify by sweating it out and/or using herbs and nutrients to support the dumping of these through the digestive tract. There are many versions of these for supporting liver, digestion, kidney and lymph and is best talked about with your Naturopathic doctor who reviews the systems and helps to decide the best way to improve your immune function. The last thing you want to do is move the toxins from one area of the body to another.
Lyme and coinfections can take several weeks to several months to eradicate in the body….and although some improve with antibiotic treatment this can be hard on the digestive system where most of the immune system is. Herbs such as Andrographis is easier on the body and can be taken long term safely to eradicate Lyme 60% of the time. This is one herb of many that we use to help the immune system. Layering herbs would provide a greater result for clearing these bacteria. The Naturopathic approach is one that uses these antibacterial herbs along with diet and supporting the organs and detoxification that allows the body to get on top of the infection.
So if you do get Lyme or any of the co-infections it is most important to visit a Naturopathic doctor to get a handle on your health.
Dr Horowitz MD has a questionnaire that identifies signs and symptoms of Lyme and coinfections. If score high then a visit to the doctor would be a good idea.
One ripe banana
Coconut milk
Using a Blender or food processor and ½ thawed fruit with minimal coconut milk you can create the healthiest frozen dessert.
The milk of your choice anything is good as long as it agrees with you. Coconut milk, almond milk, or handful of almonds and water to cover the fruit in the blender. More the liquid the more you are able to drink your dessert. Less is more spooning the dessert.
Banana for the thickening effect.
Frozen Strawberries and blueberries and a fresh peach for the seasonal choice.
You can also add a dash of vanilla, cinnamon or chocolate bits.
Protein powder and flax meal are also good additions for a healthy start to the day.
Health is like a marriage - you always have to work at it. The aging population has vision, sleep issues, stiff tendons and ligaments, drooping skin and incontinence. These are all signs and symptoms of the aging body. The Chinese use herbs to maintain vitality to prevent age related aches and pains.