Genetic Analysis
Do you ever wonder what type of exercise best suits your body? Or why one person does well with a diet and someone does well with another? There are so many conflicting messages in media and books on what to eat, how to exercise, how to supplement, and what to take for hormones and nerves?
Well scientists also want to understand this and have made great strides in the last 10 years.
I now have a good way to start to understand how your body works and what it needs to function optimally. With your 23andme raw data results for “health” I upload to a platform that has been developed by a Naturopathic Doctor.
First you need to understand that you are born with these genes and what you do day-to-day can turn them “on” or “off” with diet, lifestyle and supplements. 99% of the time health and disease is controlled by what we eat and what we do in life and only very small percentages are the diseases in the world we have no control over. So if your father died of heart disease then there is a way to keep the gene that caused high blood pressure or cholesterol or poor stress response from turning on. The report also analysis whether you make enough, absorb enough and dump enough ( too slow or too fast) certain stress hormones. The ability to make healthy hormones and whether you are able to remove unhealthy levels of hormones. Do you have genes that prefer slow exercise like yoga or are you a sprinter or long distance. How does your muscle get the oxygen – slow or fast? Do you require lots of “B” vitamins or not at all. Some are meant to be vegetarian and others are best with protein and high fat and so on. The world of understanding genes is exploding and we are able to get more of an idea what is best for our bodies.
If you would like to have your genes analyzed at Woodside Clinic the best is to order the 23andme “Health and Ancestry” and follow the directions. Once you have the raw data you can call me to help you with the analysis.
Note: 23andme has a sale 2 times a year and some special occasions. For the month of November it is half off this year.