3 pounds meaty beef bones with marrow
4 or more quarts cold filtered water
3 onions, coarsely chopped
3 carrots, coarsely chopped
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
several sprigs of fresh thyme, tied together
1 teaspoon dried green peppercorn, crushed
l bunch parsley
Can also add Cinnamon Stick, sliced onions, 3-4-star anise, 3-4 cloves to increase the warming of the body)
Place the meaty bones in a roasting pan and brown at 350 degrees in the oven. When well browned, add to the pot along with the vegetables. Place all parts into the pot of water and add vinegar 3-4 tablespoons to the roasting pan and put all scrape off all the gelatinous parts into the pot. Set over a high flame and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen up coagulated juices. Add additional water, if necessary, to cover the bones; but the liquid should come no higher than within one inch of the rim of the pot, as the volume expands slightly during cooking. Bring to a boil. A large amount of scum will come to the top, and it is important to remove this with a spoon. After you have skimmed, reduce heat and add the thyme and crushed peppercorns (and any other spices you wish to add).
Simmer stock for at least 12 and as long as 72 hours. Just before finishing, add the parsley and simmer another 10 minutes. You will now have a pot of rather repulsive-looking brown liquid containing globs of gelatinous and fatty material. It doesn’t even smell particularly good. But don’t despair. After straining you will have a delicious and nourishing clear broth that forms the basis for many other recipes in this book.
Remove bones with tongs or a slotted spoon. Strain the stock into a large bowl. Let cool in the refrigerator and remove the congealed fat that rises to the top. Transfer to smaller containers and to the freezer for long term storage.
Add your veggies to your broth and count 1 cup broth as
- 1 vegetable.
Remember to have 7-9 servings of Veggies per day: Whether you eat it RAW, COOKED, GRILLED, STEAMED, JUICED, or VITAMIXED depends on how your digestive tract is doing. The more Vegetables added to your daily diet will provide you with more Phytonutrients your body can use to stay Healthy. Vegetables fuel your immune system to keep the white blood cells (the pac man -like men circulating and eating up unwanted bacteria). Vegetables also provide micronutrients that you require to keep strong and nourished. Next time we’ll talk about protein sources and carbohydrates that are also very important in your daily food intake. Cheers.
The Pacman (your white blood cell) eating the bacteria.