Biological Terrain Assesment
The Biological Terrain Assessment is an instrument which monitors the chemistry of the body.
To prevent and discourage accelerated degenerative conditions we are best at a specific acid state with specific amount of energy (electron) production and with specific amounts of minerals.
If we eat too much meat and drink too much coffee and are exposed to too much pollution and don't take enough minerals through our food we will find our bodies breakdown and not work as well as it once did.
In 1953, Professor Kemeny, then Co-Vice Chancellor of Biomathematics at the Polytechnic Institute in Budapest , proved that three factors express the internal environment of the body:
1. A mass factor or the kinetic energy
2. An elasticity or sensibility factor
3. A viscosity or thermal factor
In 1959, Dr. Vincent (a young hydrologist from France ) further researched Professor Kemeny's work. He developed the specific electrical factors which would make Dr. Kemeny's theoretical work practical and indeed applicable in a clinic setting. Dr. Vincent correlated the electrical values of pH, rH2(electrons) and R(minerals) with exact parameters that define the body's Biological Terrain. These parameters could be easily derived from blood, urine and saliva. This is the instrument we use in the clinic to monitor one's health.
Patient Information and Instructions
You have been scheduled for a test called a “Biological Terrain Assessment” or “BTA”. This is a laboratory test that will be providing valuable information about the underlying biochemistry of your body. This simple test analyzes small amounts of your blood, urine and saliva. It provides data about the current state of the building blocks of your body – your enzymes, amino acids, molecules and electrons. In order to assure accurate BTA results, it is very important for you to follow the instructions below:
• Fast for 12 hours prior to your test. In order to do so, please complete your dinner in the evening prior to your test no later than 5:00–6:00 pm. After dinner, brush your teeth and refrain from eating or drinking anything until after your test. (This includes chewing gum and candy). If you are presently on any type of regular medications (example: blood pressure medicine or insulin), take your medications as prescribed with only a small amount of water two hours before test is scheduled
• The day before your test drink plenty of water. If your body is well hydrated before going into the 12 hour fast, you will find it easier not to drink for 12 hours.
• Refrain from using any mouthwashes or mouth rinses the night before and the morning of your test. After cleaning your teeth 12 hours prior to the test, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Also avoid using lipstick or makeup around your mouth and lips on the day of the test. Such substances can change the chemistry of your saliva.
• If you get up in the night to urinate, take a sample only after 3 am.
• When you arrive at the clinic you will be asked to spit into a small cup. This will take you approximately 15–20 minutes. Swallow any saliva that may already be in your mouth. Close your mouth and allow saliva to accumulate. Spit into the cup. Do not bring up post nasal drip. Your saliva will be foamy so a gentle tap of the cup on a hard surface will break the foam down into liquid.
• A small amount of blood will be drawn at the clinic for testing.
• A Second urine sample may be asked for at the clinic.
In summary:
These body fluids are all that are needed for our clinic to run your Biological Terrain Assessment. Once these fluids are obtained and analyzed by specialized laboratory equipment in the clinic, you will have access to important data about how your body is actually functioning. Depending upon whether other tests have been ordered for you, a computerized report and evaluation will be shared with you either during this or your next visit. This report will help you gain a greater understanding into what is going on at a deeper level within your body. Your BTA analysis measures values called ph redox and resistivity. These values provide a great deal of information including measurements of the acidity and alkalinity of your body, whether the enzymes in your body are functioning properly and if digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals are occurring adequately. They can also alert you and your Naturopathic Doctor if certain chemical or biological stresses are making your body more susceptible to illness. Often very subtle yet potent influences can exist within a person's system that standard laboratory tests are not equipped to detect or measure. A Biological Terrain Assessment can help detect the presence of these influences which can include but are not limited to fungi, pollutants, viruses, xenobiotics (environmental poisons), a lack of adequate vitamins and minerals, lack of oxygen and excessive carbon dioxide. Although the Biological Terrain Assessment does not diagnose a specific condition or disease process, it does provide extremely valuable information about the underlying biochemistry or Biological Terrain of your body.